Site Maintenance
Chad Austin Marketing and Media Design will keep watch over your needs.
Chad Austin Marketing and Media Design (CAMMD) can create custom-tailored maintenance plans on a wide variety of marketing needs: SEO, Analytics, basic updates, CMS updates (if open-source, like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal), Social Media and so much more. CAMMD has tailored plans for monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly and even yearly plans. These plans include everything from simple maintenance and system updates, to analytics and Social Media Management.
Content Management Systems, too? The whole reason we went that route is so we wouldn’t have to pay someone for updates.
Good point. Here’s the deal… the most popular CMS’s in the world (WordPress, Joomla and Drupal) are open-source programs. While you’ll be able to update most content on your own, the CMS themselves are always being updated every several months or so by the developers. Also, like any machine, tune-ups and maintenance are a necessary evil.
So how does CAMMD handle maintenance?
Maintenance is handled on an as-needed basis for most issues / edits. However, due to the ever-changing landscape of web development, best-practices dictate that our clients have their web site software updated quarterly. The process is the database is backed up first. Then all software and plugins are backed up. Finally, the database is backed up again so the last updates are saved.