What are Online Services? How do I get started with a web site? What is domains, hosting- and how does it all work together?
The fundamentals of having a domain and hosting for your web site.
So you decided to join the rest of the world and get a web site for your business or service or cause. Excellent. Many business mistakenly use facebook or some other social media as their primary hub for online communication. Plus, they don’t have domains, hosting and all the amenities that come with it.
While this may seem smart on the surface, the true issue is you don’t have 100% control of your branding and aesthetics- and sometimes, your content. Facebook changes every couple of months. If you want full control over your brand and service, you get a custom web site that you own and that you can help mold into YOU.
But in order to get this central online location jump-started, you need a few services before the building or production of a web site even begins.
- Domain– the domain is your online address, or your www.youchoose.com. It’s your web ‘phone number’ and identification to your web site. Read more about domains and the different types available here. Or,
- Hosting– the hosting is the online location, or real estate, where your web site is parked or built. Your domain is directly linked to your hosting, so when someone types in your domain, your web site will appear. More details about hosting can be read here.
There are several types of hosting options available to you at CAMMD, with shared hosting being most popular.
Chad Austin Marketing and Media Design’s hosting uses state-of-the-art servers, no older than two years, and with the latest software already up-to-date. There is a 99.99% up-time guarantee, follow by 24/7/365 North American-based support, should you ever need it.